This website is created to be used as my autobiography, as a platform to share my experiences and also to practice my web developing skill. I came across this idea in June 2020, just as I finished my internship and have a bit of free time. Therefore, there might still be some bugs here and there. Don’t hesitate to give your feedback, ask questions, or even share your own experience.

What’s the Plan?

Articles on this website will be written in Indonesian and English whenever possible, at my own pace (hehe), for both my friends in Indonesia and also abroad. The topics I will cover will be diverse, from my experiences in IBO, OSN, Uni, work to random things such as tea and other things I did in my free time.

This is so tedious! Why not do it on other platforms?

Creating and maintaining a website like this one is indeed far more tedious than just using other services such as LinkedIn, Wix, WordPress, etc. However, sometimes I just don’t like the design and layouts. It is very subjective, but for a personal website, I prefer to have it customizable to my liking (and it is also far cheaper to host than the other options :D).

Moreover, it also forces me to learn bits of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Of course, this website’s framework was not entirely made by me (I still need to learn much more to reach that level). But to modify it, I inevitably still need to understand those languages.

That’s it for now. I hope you enjoy your visit to this site and have some takeaway from it!